How do heart attack symptoms in women differ from men?

Chest pain, sweating, and shortness of breath are common even in women, and
“Sex-specific treatment” is necessary.

It is known that women have a higher death rate from heart attacks than men worldwide. It has been reported that 38% of women die from heart attacks compared to 25% of men.
It is believed that heart disease in women is often delayed in diagnosis and initiation of treatment compared to men. However, heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in women, so we can’t let our guard down.
Women and men are susceptible to different diseases, and even the same disease may have different symptoms. It is believed that gender-specific medicine, “medical care that takes into account gender differences,” is necessary.
Knowing how heart attack symptoms differ between men and women is essential to save lives quickly in the event of a heart attack.
Are heart attack symptoms different for women than for men?

A heart attack occurs when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle is significantly reduced or completely blocked. It occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become gradually narrowed due to a build-up of plaque containing fat and cholesterol.
In order to save the life of a person suffering from a heart attack, it is important to receive treatment immediately, so it is important to know the warning signs of a heart attack.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), common warning signs of a heart attack include chest discomfort, upper body discomfort, difficulty breathing, cold sweats, nausea and light-headedness. is

Warning signs of a heart attack

Chest discomfort
Most heart attacks cause discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes. Even if symptoms disappear, they may return. You may feel uncomfortable pressure, pressure, swelling and pain.
Upper body discomfort
Pain or discomfort may occur in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw, or abdomen.
Difficulty breathing
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing may occur with or without chest discomfort.
Other symptoms
Other possible symptoms include cold sweats, nausea and light-headedness.
According to the AHA, heart attack symptoms can be different for men and women, but many are common, so it’s good to know the warning signs of a heart attack.
When women have a heart attack they often think it’s acid reflux disease, the flu or just normal aging, and diagnosis and treatment are often delayed.
“If you experience any of these symptoms, please do not hesitate to call 911 (the emergency number in the US, equivalent to 119 in Japan) and go to the hospital immediately,” urges the AHA.
Many heart attack symptoms in women are similar to those in men.
The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) also states that the most common heart attack symptoms for both women and men are chest pain, sweating and shortness of breath.
Heart attack symptoms are often labeled as ‘typical’ in men and ‘atypical’ in women. While it is true that symptoms may differ between men and women, there are many similarities. We also have to be careful,” said Annemarie de Boer of Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands.
The research group analyzed 27 studies published over the past 20 years on acute coronary syndromes (heart attack or unstable angina).
Consequently, the most common symptom of acute coronary syndrome was chest pain in both men and women (79% of men and 74% of women experienced chest pain).
However, they also found that women were more likely than men to experience some of the more common symptoms, particularly back and jaw pain, nausea and vomiting, and shortness of breath.
Women were more than twice as likely to have chest and back pain, 64% more nausea and vomiting, and 34% more dyspnea than men.
Chest pain and sweating were the most common symptoms for both women and men, but women were 30% less likely to have chest pain and 26% less likely to experience sweating than men. Heart attack symptoms of chest pain and sweating are slightly less common in women than in men.
The ESC also warns: “Regardless of your gender, it’s important to be aware of the symptoms of a heart attack and not delay seeking treatment if you experience symptoms. Contact emergency services immediately.” called
Poster published by the American Heart Association:
Know the warning signs of a heart attack.

Heart attack symptoms in women are no different

(European Society of Cardiology May 4, 2020)
Gender Differences in Symptom Presentation in Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Journal of the American Heart Association May 4, 2020) JP)
Warning Signs of a Heart Attack (American College of Cardiology)
Heart attack symptoms in women (American College of Cardiology

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